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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Zeszyt XIII. The article discusses some aspects related to the handling of the Sabbath, and its symbolism. There were also raised some doubts and obstacles faced by persons, who would like to faithfully observe all of the Sabbath rules. Monika Wiszniowska. Monika Bator. The article is an attempt at presenting the similarities and differences in contemporary imaging of old age on the silver screen by using several examples of Polish and Czech mostly feature films from the 21st century. Special attention has been paid to the mechanisms of familiarising the taboo of passing away and old age in the cinematography of both countries. Ryszard Nycz. Elzbieta Haduch. Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech. Avatars of Contemporary Translators: the Copyist and the CompilerThe aim of the paper is to discuss the latest market and commercial tendencies which contribute to the development of new functions of the translator on the literary market. Stanisław Jędrzejewski.

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