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We've got liberals attacking on all different fronts. What do you expect? That's right. A poem made just for grunts. My brothers. Our war wasn't just in Iraq. Our country is more divided now since we came back. Antifa BLM there's too many to list. Out there in masks with guns they deserve more than just our fist. These unamerican pieces of shit are tearing down our home. Destruction is inbound. With y'all or all alone. Fuck that and fuck them if they only understood. I say we toss them in our stomping grounds with that total absence of good. They say the word fascist which apparently makes them smart.

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Something else has pissed me off.

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It's really come to this. You went and pissed me off so now here comes your loss. Dowiedz się więcej, jak działają opinie klientów w serwisie Amazon. I'm trying to raise awareness. I'm even amazed that CNN still airs. We the people did. Zobacz więcej recenzji. Of how apparently pussy pamper lyrics have no right to choose. When their reporters move their lips nobody fucking cares. That's truly the only thing that matters in pussy pamper lyrics minds. You have no idea what will happen when I fight, pussy pamper lyrics. You're living a life beyond our wildest dreams. So white priviledge don't believe that it exists. With a dick or with a clit. My life is a testament to God.