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Add to word list Add to word list. Information and messages. She wrote the pamphlet, "Grow Your Own Vegetables. The glossy pamphlet gives details of what the drug can do, and what its side effects are. The new government pamphlet is entitled "Corporate Bankruptcy". The possibility remains, however, that the pamphlet was not used in performance but served a purely symbolic purpose. In other retail contexts, such as a jewelry shop, such expert knowledge is often dispensed freely by salespersons or via printed materials such as pamphlets. It is an effective tool for quick title searches, for the output of a publisher, for book series, for pamphlets, for an elusive author. In the longer term, however, it arguably placed the credibility of the phenomena reported in newspapers and pamphlets under growing strain. He wrote prolifically, publishing his ideas in books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers. The collection includes 10, monographs, over indexed periodicals and newspapers, approximately 24, posters and about 85, pamphlets. Most of his contributions are scattered in occasional pamphlets or in unfinished manuscripts. Extracts from prospectors' diaries, those of their wives, and a range of contemporary books and pamphlets are used to describe cooking and preparation techniques. By contrast the occasional pamphlets represent a single performance and hence often specify such matters as instrumentation. The pamphlet suggests transport solutions after having stopped driving and lists sources of information about alternative means.

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