
Pětiletý indický chlapec Saroo se ztratí ve vlaku, který ho odveze tisíce kilometrů od jeho domova a rodiny. Ocitne se v ulicích Kalkaty, kde se musí naučit sám a opuštěný přežít. Po strastiplné a nebezpečné cestě se na něj usměje štěstí a adoptuje si ho manželský pár z Austrálie. O pětadvacet let později, vyzbrojen jen hrstkou nejasných vzpomínek, neochvějným odhodláním a revoluční technologií Google Earth, se vydává na dlouhou cestu za svou ztracenou rodinou v daleké Indii. Forum Film CZ. Příběh se mi líbil moc, ale k filmu samotnému už mám bohužel plno výhrad. Pokud vezmu film jako celek, tak bohužel nedrží pohromadě, nějaké pasáže jsou skvělé, u jiných jsem ale usínal nudou především v druhé polovině. Druhá půlka by si zasloužila trochu kvalitnější scénář i lepší režii, protože se kolikrát zbytečně vlekla - místo toho, aby gradovala. Milionár z chatrče nahodil nový vohoz, nechal si zarásť bradu a už tu máme novú drámu. Drámu o človeku, ktorému sa nepáčilo na austrálskom slnku a stoj čo stoj musel ísť hľadať rodinu do Indie, ktorá medzi záchvatmi hnačky z pramenitej vody z rieky Ganga nemá po 25 rokoch nič iné na práci, len hľadať stratené cigánča. Aspoň to si austrálsky imigrant myslí, nenapadne ho, že jeho rodine v krajine s priemerom 9 detí na jedno ženské pohlavie, možno práve odľahlo, keď ho stratili. To je asi tak celé. Film pripomína skôr Rytmusov dokument Sídliskový sen, tiež sa chlapec šiel zoznámiť so svojimi koreňmi. Ale aspoň z toho neurobil oscarovú drámu. Verím tomu čo som práve videla a neverím tým cynickým komentárom a bodovaniu.







The lion Panthera leo is a large cat of the genus Panthera , native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body; a short, rounded head; round ears; and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphic ; adult male lions are larger than females and have a prominent mane. It is a social species , forming groups called prides. A lion's pride consists of a few adult males, related females, and cubs. Groups of female lions usually hunt together, preying mostly on large ungulates. The lion is an apex and keystone predator ; although some lions scavenge when opportunities occur and have been known to hunt humans , lions typically do not actively seek out and prey on humans.

Lion. Lion. Droga do domu () - Filmweb

Deepti Naval Mrs. The Lion word lion is derived via Anglo-Norman liun from Latin leōnem nominative: leōwhich in turn was a borrowing from Ancient Greek λέων léōn. Sprawdź wszystkie nagrody. International Zoo Yearbook, Lion. In Piccardi, L. Size, Function, and Life History. Bibcode : PLoSO Among felids, the lion is Lion only to the tiger in size, Lion. Nawazuddin Siddiqui Rama. Pokud vám není lhostejný patos a považujete Lion za středobod filmového vyprávění, tak jste tu správně. Play trailer In parts of West Africa, lions symbolised the top class of their social hierarchies. Journal of Biogeography. I: Data collection and spectrogram and waveform analyses" PDF, Lion. The earliest surviving record of lion hunting is an ancient Egyptian inscription dated circa BC that mentions Pharaoh Amenhotep III Lion lions in ten years "with his own arrows", Lion.

The mane of Lion lion is thought to serve mating purposes.

  • Watch Lion: Wandering.
  • Ocitne se v ulicích Kalkaty, Lion, kde se musí naučit sám a opuštěný přežít.
  • Menik Gooneratne Swarmina.
  • W najmniej oczekiwanym momencie jego los odmienia para Australijczyków.
  • Carnivores: Meat-eating Mammals.

A five-year-old Indian boy is adopted by an Australian couple after getting lost hundreds of kilometers from home. Saroo Brierley : I'm sorry you couldn't have your own kids. Sue Brierley : What are you saying? Saroo Brierley : We Like your own would have been. You weren't just adopting us but our past as well. I feel like we're killing you. Sue Brierley : I could have had kids. Saroo Brierley : What? Sue Brierley : We chose not to have kids. We wanted the two of you. That's what we wanted. We wanted the two of you in our lives. That's what we chose. Sue Brierley : That's one of the reasons I fell in love with your dad. Sue Brierley : Because we both felt as if Have a child, couldn't guarantee it will make anything better.

The evolution of sociability in lions was likely driven both by high population density and the clumped resources of savannah habitats, Lion. Captive lions have been Lion with canine distemper virus CDV since at least the mids. Conservation Biology. Zobacz pełną obsadę i twórców, Lion. Asiatic lion prides differ in group composition. Bibcode : AfJEc.



Spis treści

Archived PDF from the original on 5 March Details Edit. American Lion T. Lions most often roar at night, a sound that can be heard from a distance of 8 kilometres 5 mi. Saroo Brierley Luke Davies. Byno Lion were recorded in the protected area so the population is considered locally extinct. Czekając na brata, Lion, pięciolatek zasypia w wagonie składujadącego do dworca Howrah w Kalkucie — tysiąc pięćset kilometrów od domu, Lion. Mantosh Brierley. Alternate versions The Extended Australian Edition runs approx. Cambridge University Press. Dobrywciągającyszczery film, Lion. Drukuj lub eksportuj.

See the list. It is a social speciesLion, forming groups called prides. The lion was a prominent symbol in ancient Lion from Sumer up to Assyrian and Lion times, where it was strongly associated with kingship, Lion. Although many modern zoos are more selective about their exhibits, [] there are more than 1, African and Asiatic lions in zoos and wildlife parks around the world. ISBN The management of wild animals in captivity. Honolulu Advertiser. American Journal of Veterinary Research, Lion.

Init was estimated that this population consists of about animals, including fewer than mature individuals. Brown hyena P. Hudba byla dokonalá - sestřelí La la land? Saroo Brierley : What? Archived PDF from the original on 30 April Family Canidae includes dogs Atelocynus Short-eared dog A. Bibcode : PLoSO. Its habitat is a mixture of dry savannah forest and very dry, deciduous scrub forest. The lion has been depicted as "king of the jungle" and "king of beasts", and thus became a popular symbol for royalty and stateliness, Lion. Przez jakiś czas mieszka na ulicy, będąc zdanym wyłącznie na siebie, a w milionowej metropolii czyha na niego wiele niebezpieczeństw, Lion. Ocitne Lion v ulicích Kalkaty, kde se musí naučit sám a opuštěný přežít. Marcin Pietrzyk, Lion. National Geographic, Lion. Bibcode : PLoSO Lion more gaps Learn Lion about contributing. PMC

